About us

Through fire and art we create unique experiences

Fae Fire Group consists of a solid core of artists and creators with broad competence in the fields of performing arts and production. Together we create the imaginative and pioneering shows that are unique to Fae. We thematise and design every show into something new and captivating, so that neither we or our audience feel us stagnating. We use fire, pyrotechnics, dance, theatre and magic to enhance the on stage experience and break the boundaries between the different performing arts.

Beyond the core group we also work in close contact with some of Sweden's (according to us) best and brightest fire and circus artists. Through collaborations and exchanges we gather new experiences and advance all the fire arts towards new frontiers.

Henrik Berg

Hank is not just competent with the contact staff, he's also a musician and playwright, involved in the creation of our new shows and concepts. He is also Fae's resident pyrotechnician and special FX specialist. He often has a finger involved in creating our new props and tools together with our prop maker. In short, Hank loves when things go bang, boom and poof!

Kim Silverbreider

Fae's art director plus visually and creative mastermind. He creates visualy captivating scenes and imagery and is often the brain behind many of our shows. He also captivates the audience with his dancing, fire eating and fire breathing. Add to that his skills with the dragon staff. Kim combines all these skills as his drag alter ego Byra Tanks to create some amazing performances.